Can I access my inspection reports in the Reports tab?

Existing reports that moved to the new reporting center:

  • Accessing Legacy Reports:
    • Log in to Highwire and navigate to the left side of your screen.
    • Click on the Reports tab in the left navigation menu, which will direct you to your Recommended page.
    • Navigate to the Legacy Reports tab.
  • What are Legacy Reports:
    • All custom data exports previously accessible from the “Reports” dropdown in your Safety/Finance View Contractors table are now accessible under the “Partner Data Exports” sub-tab in Legacy Reports.
    • Reports previously accessible from the Inspect and Tracker tabs are now available under the “Inspect” and “Track” sub-tabs in Legacy Reports.

Accessing the Reports Center & Generating New Reports:

  • Accessing the Report Center:
    • Log in to Highwire and navigate to the left side of your screen.
    • Click on the Reports tab in the left navigation menu, which will direct you to your Recommended page.
  • Generating a Preset Report:
    • On the Recommended page, find a list of preset reports.
    • To generate a preset report, expand a summary card and select the desired report; it will generate automatically.
  • Applying and Clearing Additional Filters:
    • To refine your report further, click the All Filters button.
    • Make your desired selections within the filters and click Apply to reduce the information in the report.
    • Clear all filters from the report view screen or within the filters modal as needed.
  • Returning to Recommended Page:
    • To go back to your recommended page, click the Reports button in the top left of your screen.
  • Creating a Custom Report:
    • To create a custom report, select Build a Custom Report.
    • Choose your report type, specify criteria, and set the date range; the report will generate automatically.

How to Download, Save, and Share Reports

  • Overview:
    • From the 'Report View' page, click the download button in the top right corner to download the report as a PDF.
    • Within your report, select "Download to PNG" to save chart images, and "Download to Excel" for table data.
    • Save and schedule automated email delivery by clicking the save button, naming the report, adding recipients, and selecting the frequency.
    • Access saved and scheduled reports under the "Saved" tab in the Report Center, where you can view, edit, or remove reports.

Important Tips:

  • Enable pop-ups in your browser settings for seamless report viewing.
  • These steps allow you to effortlessly manage, save, and share your reports within the Highwire Reporting Center.

Walkthrough: Assessment Status Report

Accessing the Assessment Status Report:

  • Log in to your Highwire account.
  • Navigate to the Reports tab on the left side of the screen.
  • Generate an assessment status report.

Understanding the Report:

  • The report summarizes companies based on their connection status and assessment completion.
  • Visualizations include a chart displaying company connection status and individual assessment completion criteria.
  • Criteria options: by company (individual companies' assessment status) and by project (assessment status within specific projects)

Walkthrough: Inspection Activity Report


Accessing the Inspection Activity Report:

  • Log in to your Highwire account.
  • Navigate to the Reports tab on the left side of the screen.
  • Generate an inspection activity report.

Understanding the Report:

  • The report provides a summary of total inspections completed and associated findings (negative and positive).
  • Visualizations include a chart displaying total inspections completed and a breakdown of negative findings by risk level.
  • Criteria options: by company, by project, by General Contractor, by hierarchy, and by inspector.
  • Inspector set goals are included in the results.

Walkthrough: Inspection Findings Overview Report

Accessing the Inspection Findings Overview Report:

  • Log in to your Highwire account.
  • Navigate to the Reports tab on the left side of the screen.
  • Generate an inspection findings overview report.

Understanding the Report:

  • The report provides a summary of total inspections completed and associated findings.
  • Visualizations include a chart displaying total inspections completed and a breakdown of negative findings by risk level.
  • The table breaks down findings by type and risk level for each criteria segment.
  • Criteria options: by company, by project, by General Contractor, by hierarchy, and by inspector.



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