How do I enter comments about a contractor?

To accommodate different learning styles, a step-by-step article with accompanying screenshots is provided directly below and a video tutorial is also available at the end of this document.


This document details how a client can enter comments about a contractor in support of that contractor’s safety approval status. As detailed in a separate article, the common thresholds for approving a contractor include:

  • Highwire safety score ≥ 80 (standard)
  • No critical safety flags triggered (specific flags are configured per client)

In cases where a contractor does not meet the minimum standards set by the client (score and/or absence of critical flags), their safety status will be set at “Safety Review Required” and conversations and an exchange of information may occur between the client and the contractor to approve the contractor for work. That process is captured in the comments section of a contractor’s individual profile as described below. 

Accessing a Contractor’s Profile

To access a contractor’s individual profile, you simply click on that contractor’s name in the Partners view to access their individual profile. You will see the contractor’s approval status in Partners > Safety > Dashboard > Approval Status:

You simply click on the Approval Status dropdown, v, for their approval status.

In cases where the approval status is set to “Safety Review Required”, “Corrective Action Plan Required”, or “Provisionally Approved”, a client will likely want to add comments to detail the process that occurred to ultimately move that contractor to “Approved”: 

Adding Comments at the Profile Level

To document the approval process (conversations, meetings, emails, etc.), a client user can add comments at the profile level. Common use cases for comments include:

  • Documenting what went into the approval decision;
  • Items discussed directly with the contractor; 
  • High-level elements included in a corrective action or risk mitigation plan; and,
  • Experience with the contractor on a past project.

Comments are a way for a client’s internal teams to share their experience and insights with a contractor across their organization. Note that comments are visible only to clients and can not be seen by a contractor

To add comments simply toggle to the Comments tab and a text box will open up for your notes. When you are finished, click Save. You will also be able to scroll through any prior notes that were added for this contractor:


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