Our goal is to make the enrollment process as simple and efficient as possible for your contractors. Once a contractor has all of the necessary documents gathered, it should take them less than twenty-five minutes to complete their enrollment. The following is a comprehensive checklist that is provided to contractors and available to them in our Help Center to assist them in planning and gathering all required enrollment documents. In addition to in-application and Help Center articles, contractors also have full access to Highwire’s support team via phone or chatbot.
If a contractor is located outside of the United States, click here for information on international contractors.
Company Profile
Federal Tax ID (e.g. EIN)
Payment information (e.g. credit card, ACH)
Contact information for key company employees
Total gross annual revenue and employee headcount
Certificate(s) of Insurance (PDF)
Disadvantaged business classifications and documentation, if applicable
Five past projects demonstrating experience and capabilities
Letters of good standing for any Union affiliations (PDF)
Safety Assessment
Experience Modification Rating (EMR) letters from the prior three years (PDF)
OSHA citations from the prior three years (PDF)
OSHA 300A summary forms from the prior three years (PDF)
Amount (%) of work performed by subcontractors
Finance Assessment (if applicable)
Prior three years of year-end financial statements (PDF)
Supplier, Subcontractor and Client References
Banking & credit line(s) references, including bank contact & credit amount
Any licensing complaints or litigation (PDF)
Summary of quarterly work in progress and work not started
Surety bond documentation, if applicable (PDF)
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