Highwire's goal is to make the enrollment process as simple and efficient as possible for your contractors. Once a contractor has all of the necessary documents gathered, it should take them less than twenty-five minutes to complete their enrollment. Below is a comprehensive checklist that is provided to international contractors, and also available to them in our Help Center, to assist them in planning and gathering all required enrollment documents. In addition to in-application and Help Center articles, contractors also have full access to Highwire’s support team via phone or chatbot.
Company Profile
- Valid credit card or another acceptable form of payment for enrollment fee
- Total gross annual revenue and employee headcount
- Five past projects demonstrating experience and capabilities
- Contact information for key company employees
- Letters of good standing for any Union affiliations (PDF)
Safety Assessment
- Safety performance metrics including, days away cases, total days away, fatalities, and injuries
- Total employee hours worked in each of the last three years
- Regulatory Experience History
- Electronic version of your company's safety manual
- Electronic version of your company’s Insurance Certificate (if required by the client)
Finance Assessment (if required by client)
- Electronic version of your company’s most recent three years of financial statements
- Bank and Credit Line Information
- Work in Progress and Backlog Information
- Supplier, Subcontractor, and Client References