How do I generate an incident report?


An individual inspection is the earliest opportunity to capture leading indicators in Highwire. We want any audience to quickly understand and absorb essential information impacting their projects and partners.

How Do I Generate an Individual Inspection Report?  

Any member granted access to perform inspections can generate one of these reports upon inspection completion. Once all data and findings have been recorded for the inspection, there are two ways to generate this report. 

The first way to generate an Individual inspection Report is to open an individual inspection via the edit icon and then select “Export to PDF.” Your inspection report will download within your browser download center (please ensure you disable any pop-up blockers). 


The second way is to email this report to your specified recipients directly from Highwire. On the same page as the “Export to PDF,” you can “Email Report.” A pop-up window will be generated to specify your email recipients. Once you hit send, the report is generated and sent as a PDF attachment directly to your partner’s inbox.


What’s in the Inspection Reports?

Cover Page

At the front of every report will be an executive cover page unique to your organization. In the top right corner, select the “View in Highwire” button, and you will navigate to the Highwire platform to interact directly with the reported inspection. At the bottom of the page, the inspection details and summary finding information is outlined to give immediate context to the body of the report.

Inspection Summary Page

On the second page of the report, we include the summary comments added by the inspector, along with key analytics behind the individual inspection. Quickly identify the distribution of total negative findings, associated risk levels, and highlighted categories observed during the inspection.

Negative Findings

Each negative finding is listed by risk level and details information noted by the inspector during the inspection observation. Each finding will also include  “View in Highwire” button access that directly navigates you to the specific finding if you have the appropriate permission to edit the report. All documents and media are attached to each individual finding as well.

Positive Findings

Similar to Negative Findings, all positive findings are detailed here for review.


If you have Pre-Planning events assigned, this section includes all information regarding the delivery of pre-planning materials by partners observed during the inspection.

Contractor Summary

This section captures all findings and associated risk levels for each contractor observed during the inspection. 

Question Summary by Category

This section summarizes findings and associated risk levels for all questions observed during the inspection, broken down by each category.

Project to Date Summary

The last page of the report provides an overview of all inspection finding trends for the inspected project. Total findings from the project’s start date to the date of the report are broken down by type, risk level, category, and corrective action status.

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