How do I create or edit an Inspection?


This article provides an overview of where you can see your list of inspections, create a new inspection, and view and edit inspection reports.


Getting Started

To start, click “Inspect” from the left-hand navigation menu. Select “Inspections” from the top of the page.


This view shows all inspections for your profile. 

  • You can sort the data by clicking the column headings. By default, this list is sorted by inspection date.
  • To open and edit an existing inspection, you can click on the pencil icon under the Action column on the left.
  • To view an inspection report, click the “View” link.

Creating a New Inspection

  1. To start a new inspection, click “Add Inspection” on the right side of the page.
  1. Select the “Inspection Type.”
  2. Enter the “Date and Time” of the inspection.
  3. If you reviewed the inspection with someone, enter their name in the “Reviewed With” field.
  4. Click “Create.” 

Editing Inspections

  1. To edit an inspection, click on the pencil icon under the Action column.
  1. This will open the inspection, and you will have the option to edit the Inspection details.


  1. First, select a contractor from the dropdown list.
  2. Choose the category you would like to enter findings for.
  3. You can view a list of all negative findings by clicking the ‘Negative Findings’ link in the top right, under Inspection Summary.
  4. To add positive or negative findings, click on the ‘Note’ icon under each category on the bottom right. For further details on how to add positive findings, visit this article here. For negative findings, visit here.


Completing Assigned Inspections

  1. Click the “Assigned Inspections” tab.
  2. Assigned Inspections will appear in the list.
  3. Click the ‘+’ that corresponds with the inspection you want to complete.

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