In addition to utilizing Highwire’s existing Red Critical Flags and Yellow Caution Flags to highlight specific areas of risk, Highwire has introduced Orange Discrepancies and Green Positive indicators. These are intended to give clients deeper insight into the content and quality of their contractor’s safety programs and management systems.
Here is a summary of the flags and indicators available in the Highwire application:
Symbol |
Indicator Type |
Definition |
Critical Flag |
Critical flags highlight issues that are considered to be most serious. Examples of a critical flag are elevated safety metrics such as EMR, DART, and/or TRIR. Typically, critical flags must be addressed before a contractor is engaged or before work begins on site. | |
Caution Flag |
Caution flags are considered to be less serious than critical flags. These flags will be reviewed by a client. If the flag represents a risk based on a contractor’s scope of work, the flag will be addressed before the contractor is engaged and/or before work begins on site. | |
♢ |
“NEW” Discrepancy |
A discrepancy highlights a situation where a contractor has indicated that they have a particular safety program or management system, but Highwire found no evidence to support the contractor’s claim. |
“NEW” Positive |
A positive indicator highlights a situation in which a contractor has indicated that they have a particular safety program and Highwire found evidence to support the contractor’s claim. |
Risk Overview Tab
The Contractors tab in the left-hand navigation gives clients a list view of contractors they are connected with and some high-level insights. Clients can click on a contractor’s name to gain a deeper review of the flags and key risk indicators for that contractor.
In the screenshots provided throughout this article, we will use District Plumbing, a fictitious company, as our example contractor:
Clicking a contractor’s company name will bring you to the contractor’s Risk Overview tab, as shown below:
Risk Factors Table
If you scroll to the bottom of the Risk Overview tab, you will find the Risk Factors table. This is where clients can access a detailed list of Highwire’s safety risk analytics, including Red Critical Flags, Yellow Caution Flags, Orange Discrepancies, and Green Positive indicators.
Users will also see three filters for the Risk Factors table:
- Type: This dropdown filter describes the risk type (e.g., critical flag, caution flag, discrepancy, positive indicator).
- Assessment: This dropdown filter describes the assessment type that the finding is related to (e.g., Safety, Finance, Insurance).
- Category: This dropdown filter further describes the flag or indicator's category (e.g., DART, EMR, Company, Safety Program, Management System, Advanced Initiative).
By default, the Risk Factors table shows Red Critical Flags, Yellow Caution Flags, and new Orange Discrepancies:
A Discrepancy highlights a situation where a contractor has indicated that they have a particular safety program, management system, or advanced initiative but where Highwire found no evidence to support the contractor’s claim in their documentation. You can click on the “>” next to a Discrepancy to see more details and analysis about the finding. In addition, you will also see a Send Feedback button that allows you to provide input to Highwire about Highwire’s findings and analysis. If you cannot see the analysis or Send Feedback link and would like to request access, reach out to Highwire Support or your account manager.
Positive Indicator
A Green Positive indicator highlights a situation in which a contractor has indicated that they have a particular safety program and Highwire found evidence in their documentation to support the claim.
By default, Positive findings are not shown in the Risk Factors table, but users can select and view them using the Type filter:
Found, General, Detailed, and Comprehensive
For Green Positive indicators, the analysis often goes beyond identifying the presence or absence of a safety program element, a management system, or an advanced safety initiative. For Positive indicators, questions that are strictly yes/no are simply categorized as found, but other key elements may be further categorized as general, detailed, and comprehensive as defined below:
Positive Finding Name |
Definition |
Found | This description is used for questions that are strictly yes/no, when extensive detail is not required. |
General | This description is used when evidence of a program is found, but only very general details are provided. |
Detailed | This description is used when evidence of a program is found, and details are well-developed and specific. |
Comprehensive | This description is used when evidence of a program is found, and details are well-developed, specific, and found throughout the document. A comprehensive description represents industry best practices. |
As with Discrepancies, you can click on the “>” next to a Positive indicator to access more details and analysis. In addition, you will also see a Send Feedback button that allows you to quickly and easily provide input about Highwire’s findings and analysis: