Is Highwire secure enough to protect my financial statement and other financial information I provide?
Highwire takes threats to the availability, integrity, and confidentiality of your data very seriously. Highwire maintains both ISO 27001 and SOC2 certifications to protect your data. Specifically, with regard to financial data, it is important to note that SOC2 controls are published by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), and our accreditation under this regulation ensures that we meet the most stringent financial and electronic banking requirements.
The overall roadmap for our approach to information security and privacy is best described in the Highwire Privacy Policy, which is available publicly on our website at You are also welcome to request a copy of any of our certifications by emailing
Who will be able to view our company’s financial information?
Only authorized users for the clients that you choose to share your information with will be able to see your financial information. You are also able to further limit the visibility of this information to only certain users with access to manage your company’s profile. There are strict non-disclosure requirements that are part of the terms of use presented to both client and enrolling companies that require review and acceptance as part of the enrollment process.
Authorized Highwire users agree to use the safety and financial assessments and contractor-specific data for their internal purposes only and not to share the assessments or the information they submit with parties outside their review teams. Authorized review teams might include Construction Managers, General Contractors, and Insurance Representatives.