This article explains the information found in the Injury & Illness tab as seen by companies located outside of the USA.
To successfully complete your profile and generate a safety score, you will need to provide the information below in the Injury & Illness tab of your Safety Profile:
Global or Regional Data
Please identify if the Occupation Safety Data entered in your profile is global or if it is regional. If it is regional data enter the associated region.
Global data is a representation of your data on a global scale.
National data is a representation of your company data for all of your sites within one country.
Regional data is representing the data of the local branch of your company in that specific region.
Occupational Safety Data
The following information must be provided for each of the last 3 years. The most recent 3 years' worth of data is factored into your safety profile score. In the screenshot below, the years 2020, 2021, and 2022 would be factored into the score. When 2021 data is entered, for example, 2019 data will no longer be included in the scoring calculation.
Did Your Company Perform Work This Year: Check Yes or No for each of the past 3 years. This question is related to any work performed by your company. It is not related to work performed for any one specific client. When you click ‘Yes’ the fields will become enabled to allow for data entry.
Days Away Cases: A Days Away Case is a work-related injury or illness that results in an employee missing one or more days of work. The count of days away from work begins on the day after the injury or illness occurred. Enter the total number of Days Away Cases for each year.
Total Days Away From Work: Enter the total number of days away from work that resulted from your Days Away Cases. For example, your company had two injuries in 2021 that resulted in days away from work. One employee missed 7 days of work. The other missed 35 days of work. You would enter 42 in the Total Days Away From Work field for the year 2021. The count of days away from work begins on the day after the injury occurred.
Fatalities: If you experience any incidents that resulted in a fatality enter them here.
Injuries and Illnesses without Lost Work Days: Enter the number of incidents that occurred in each year that required medical treatment above and beyond first aid. First aid refers to medical attention that is usually administered immediately after the injury occurs and at the location where it occurred. It often consists of a one-time, short-term treatment and requires little technology or training to administer. First aid can include cleaning minor cuts, scrapes, or scratches; treating a minor burn; applying bandages and dressings; the use of non-prescription medicine; draining blisters; removing debris from the eyes; massage; and drinking fluids to relieve heat stress.
Total Hours worked by All Employees: Enter the total number of employee hours worked during each of the past 3 years (do not include contractor hours). This includes all hours worked by all employees at your company, even administrative staff. DO NOT enter only the hours worked for the client you are sharing your Highwire data with. Also enter the full number of hours, not abbreviations of a thousand or million.
DocuSign is used to verify that the data entered in the occupational data section above is entered truly, accurately and completely.
Click the button in this section that says ‘Sign with DocuSign’. DocuSign will then send an email to the primary point of contact on the profile.
When you receive the email, click on the link and then complete the information.
The site will then be updated with the date and GMT time the DocuSign process was completed.
Once you complete the process, click save at the bottom and you will see a green check mark appear on this tab.