When creating your Incident report, you will be required to complete tabs pertaining to the Incident type(s) you have selected.
This article will review the Worker Injury Incident Type and the related fields.
Employee Information
Enter information about the injured worker in the fields shown below.
Highwire Administrators can configure the tabs and questions in their Module Configurator. Administrators should reach out to support for assistance.
Incident Details
Enter details about the incident here. Your categories and questions may vary based on your company's requirements.
Administrators can manage the following drop-downs in the ‘Configure- Tracker’ tab.
Body Part Affected, Cause of Injury, Job Title, PPE, Type of Injury
Complete all of the fields required by your client.
Classification Status
Make a selection to classify the incident first. After making a selection, additional fields will appear.
For Recordable Cases:
If the injury involves one or more Days Away from Work, choose ‘Yes’ for ‘Days Away?’. Additional fields will appear if Yes is selected.
If the injury involves one or more days of Restricted Duty, choose ‘Yes’ for ‘Restricted Duty?’. Additional fields will appear if Yes is selected.
Days Away Cases
If the case involves Days Away from Work, choose ‘Yes’ and then identify the ‘Date Out?’. This is the first day that the employee misses work as a result of the injury.
The application will then begin to count the number of days away until such time as the employee is released back to work.
Enter a date in the ‘Date Released Back to Work?’ field when the employee returns to work.
Restricted Duty (or Job Transfer) Cases
If the case involves Restricted Duty or Job Transfer, choose ‘Yes’ and then identify the ‘Start Date of Light Duty?’. This is the first day that the employee has one or more restrictions preventing the employee from performing at least one regular duty of the employee’s job.
The application will then begin to count the number of days of restricted duty until the employee has returned to full duty.
Enter a date in the ‘Date Returned Full Duty?’ field when the employee returns to full duty.
Worker Status
On the Incidents Tab, where all incidents are listed, there is a column named ‘Status.’ A worker's status will be displayed, and the number of days away from work and/or the number of days of restricted duty will be displayed. The number of days will increase by one each day until a date has been entered, identifying that the employee has returned to work (either on full duty or restricted duty).