What specific information is required in an incident report?

As listed in this article, an Incident report will have four common tabs that require information to be provided to complete the report. For details regarding what these tabs mean, visit this article.

After sending your incident report, you will see a section below that requires completion and further details regarding the incident.


Contributing Factors


List all the factors here that contributed to the incident. Click +Add Another to add additional contributing factors.


  • Copy and paste the factor that was the root cause of the incident.


  • If there was any type of planning associated with the task being performed when the incident occurred, select ‘Yes’ for the last question (i.e. Job Hazard Analysis - JHA, Pre-Task Plan, Crane Hoist Plan, etc.).
  • You can upload and attach the planning documentation to the incident report.
  • Be thorough and descriptive here. This information will help identify corrective action, lessons learned, and develop communication to prevent recurrences of similar incidents.


Corrective Action


In this tab, you can identify the corrective action identified as a result of the incident investigation and contributing factors listed previously.


  • You can also assign responsibility to project team members and assign a due date for the corrective action to be completed.
  • The same can be done for communication and training items.
  • Assigned team members will receive emails notifying them of any assignments related to corrective action or communication.


Inspection Link


This tab will only function for those clients that are using both Highwire Tracker and Highwire Inspect.

This tab allows you to create an association between the incident and the most closely related inspection category(ies) and question(s).


  • If you are having a number of incidents involving Ladders/Stairs for example, this feature allows you to establish whether or not there is a correlation between inspection trends and incident trends.
  • If there are many incidents involving Ladder/Stairs, but this category is not frequently inspected on job sites, you may change your approach or require focused inspections for a period of time. It may also help to identify gaps in programs, management systems, and/or training.






  • For Worker Injuries only, this tab includes the ability to identify the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that was being worn at the time of the incident.
  • For all incident types, you can identify whether or not any emergency services (Police, Fire, EMT, etc.) responded to the site as a result of the incident. 
  • You can also upload any reports obtained as a result of emergency services responding to the site.
  • Finally, if you have post-incident/accident substance abuse testing programs, you can identify whether or not any tests were administered as a result of the incident. No further information is required for this question regardless of the response. 
  • Be sure to click ‘Save’ when you’re finished.


For information regarding Worker Injury Tabs or Incident Specific Tabs, visit articles here and here.

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