From the Work Hours tab in the left-hand navigation, clients can efficiently add work hours for contractors by project and date. This data allows Highwire to calculate critical safety metrics, like Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) and Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred (DART) Rate. Tracking work hours creates a baseline for comparing contractor data across teams and projects. Standardizing the data allows you to assess contractors with differences in workforce size or project duration fairly and accurately.
Work Hours Dashboard
The Work Hours landing page provides a straightforward dashboard that allows you to input work hours for your contractors:
Adding Work Hours
To add work hours, you begin by selecting the project and the date (month and year):
You’ll see all contractors currently added to that project on the left side of the work hours table. You simply add their work hours in the right column. As you continue to add work hours for other contractors on the project, you will automatically see the total work hours for the project increase accordingly. When you are done, click Save at the bottom of the screen:
Configuring Work Hours
As you move across the horizontal menu in Work Hours, standard users can view the configuration settings for your work hour collection, including the period of collection (monthly vs. weekly). To ensure consistency, this customized criteria for work hour entry is set by your client administrator: