This article provides information regarding the Highwire Legacy Inspect report criteria, report types, and how to effectively filter based on your needs.
Primary Criteria: All Highwire reports are categorized by “Primary Criteria.” The primary criterion is a slicer that organizes the data by the selected criteria. The four primary criteria are:
- Category Based - organizes the data by inspection category;
- Inspector Based - organizes the data by the inspector user;
- Contractor Based - organizes the data by the observed contractors
- Project Based - organizes the data by the project
Report Type: The report type is driven by the primary criteria selection. Each report contains different data organized by the primary criteria.
Primary Criteria |
Report Type |
Description |
Category Based |
Inspection Quality Report |
Provides some insight into the quality of inspection data being collected by an inspector or group of inspectors by looking at key information. |
Category Based |
Percentage of Negative Findings |
Displays which categories have the highest percentage of negative findings. The % calculation accounts for any weighting enabled on your client site. |
Category Based |
Percentage of Negative Findings by Risk Levels |
Displays the percentage and count of negative findings separated by risk level—default risk levels: low, medium, high, IDLH. |
Category Based |
Percentage of Positive Findings |
Displays which categories have the highest percentage of positive findings. The % calculation accounts for any weighting enabled on your client site. |
Category Based |
Percentage of Positive vs. Negative Findings |
Displays the % and count of positive versus negative findings. |
Category Based |
Summary by Finding Type |
Displays findings by behavior-based versus condition based. Finding type must be enabled on the client site to display data. |
Category Based |
Summary of Findings |
Summary of all findings displayed by count and risk levels. |
Category Based |
Summary of High Risk/IDLH Findings |
Summary of high risk and IDLH findings displayed by count and risk levels. |
Category Based |
Summary of Negative Findings |
Summary of negative findings displayed by count and risk levels. |
Category Based |
Summary of Negative Findings by Risk Levels |
Summary of negative findings categories by risk level. |
Category Based |
Summary of Positive Findings |
Summary of positive findings displayed by count and risk levels. |
Contractor Based |
Current Unresolved Findings |
Unresolved findings are categorized by contractor. |
Contractor Based |
Negative Findings Status Report |
Negative findings by contractor, organized by unresolved and resolved findings. This report also contains the average close-out time for findings. |
Contractor Based |
Percentage of Negative Findings per Contractor |
Displays the percentage of negative findings organized by contractor. |
Contractor Based |
Percentage of Positive Findings per Contractor |
Displays the percentage of positive findings organized by contractor. |
Contractor Based |
Summary of Findings |
Summary of all findings organized by contractor. |
Contractor Based |
Summary of High Risk/IDLH Findings per Contractor |
Summary of high risk and IDLH findings organized by contractor. |
Contractor Based |
Summary of Negative Findings |
Summary of negative findings organized by contractor. |
Contractor Based |
Summary of Positive Findings |
Summary of positive findings organized by contractor. |
Inspector Based |
Current Unresolved Findings |
Unresolved findings are categorized by inspector. |
Inspector Based |
Inspection Goals Review |
Comparison report for all inspector history versus set inspector goals. |
Inspector Based |
Inspector Activity Report by Inspector |
Summary of the number of inspections per inspector organized by inspector. |
Inspector Based |
Inspector Activity Report by Project |
Summary of the number of inspections per inspector organized by projects |
Inspector Based |
Inspector History Report |
Summary of a single inspector or a group of inspectors’ findings using key metrics. Users should select the inspector(s) in the filters before running the report. |
Inspector Based |
Negative Findings Status Report |
Summary of negative findings organized by unresolved and unresolved. It also indicates the average close-out time per inspector. |
Inspector Based |
Status of Assigned Inspections |
Summary of assigned inspections organized by open, in progress, and completed. |
Project Based |
Current Unresolved Findings |
Unresolved findings are categorized by project. |
Project Based |
Negative Findings Status Report |
Summary of negative findings organized by unresolved and unresolved. It also indicates the average close-out time per project. |
Project Based |
Percentage of Negative Findings per Project |
Displays the percentage of negative findings organized by project. |
Project Based |
Percentage of Positive Findings per Project |
Displays the percentage of positive findings organized by project. |
Project Based |
Project Goals Report |
Summary of inspections compared to the project goals. |
Project Based |
Project Summary Report |
Summary of project inspections and findings using key metrics. |
Project Based |
Summary of High Risk/IDLH Findings per Project |
Summary of high risk and IDLH findings organized by project. |
Using Report Filters:
Highwire reports can be filtered using the various fields on the reports page. Only inspection data matching the filter criteria will be displayed in the produced reports.
Filter Field |
Use |
Project(s) |
Indicates specific project(s). |
Project Type(s) |
Contains all projects within the project type. Project types are configured in the Projects tool, and a project type must be assigned to each project. |
Select Type of Inspector |
Filters by the client, general contractor, or contractor inspectors. |
Inspector(s) |
Indicates specific inspector(s). |
Project Status |
Filters by current, pre-construction, and completed projects. |
Subcontractor(s) |
Filters data to include only observations of the selected subcontractor(s). |
Include Lower Tiers |
This checkbox includes lower-tier contractor findings in the prime contractors’ data. |
General Contractor(s) |
Filters data for inspections conducted by the general contractor(s) |
GC Contacts (s) |
Filters data to include only projects where specified contacts are assigned. |
Category(s) |
Filters data to include only observations from the selected category(s). |
Inspection Type(s) |
Filters data to include only observations from the selected inspection checklists. |
Job Title(s) |
Filters data for inspections conducted by the indicated job title(s). |
Trade Type(s) |
Filters data to include only observations from the selected contractor trade types(s). |
Dates |
Filters data to include only observations within a specific date range. |
Date Range |
Filters data by a specified range (last 7 days, 14 days, 30 days, last 60 days, last 90 days, last 180 days, last 365 days). |
Include Positive Findings with Recognition Attachments Only |
Filters data by observations that contained a Recognition Form only. |
Include Negative Findings with Accountability Attachments Only |
Filters data by observations that contained an Accountability Form only. |
Number of Items per Chart |
Limits the number of items displayed in each chart. |
Include Charts Only |
Removes tables and text data from reports and display charts only. |
*Hierarchy-Specific Filters |
For clients with a configured hierarchy, each hierarchy level will have a filter. These filters will limit the data to the observations within the projects at that hierarchy level. |
Creating Auto-Send Reports:
Auto-send reports are recurring reports sent on a specified basis and to assigned users. Auto-send reports can also be used as templates for frequently run ad-hoc reports.
To create an auto-send report, navigate to the Reports section and click the Legacy Reports tab. Then click on the Inspect subcategory and “Autosend Reports.” If auto-send reports do not appear, contact your system administrator and request permission to use the auto-send feature.
Name the report appropriately.
Identify the recipients of the report. This can be done by job title, searching the contact database, or entering emails into the box. *Note, leaving this section blank will create a template for ad-hoc reports.
Identify the report criteria and filters within the Identify Criteria section.
Identify the frequency of sending. All reports are sent in the user's timezone when creating the report.
Click “Save” to complete the report.
All existing auto-send reports will appear in the left navigation pane. To edit, delete or run an ad-hoc report, click the report in the left navigation and modify it appropriately.
Exporting a Bulk PDF Report
This feature allows client users to export large zip files of individual inspection and incident reports based on specified parameters.
1. Open the Legacy Reports Tab within the Reports left-hand navigation menu.
2. Select the [Individual Inspection Reports] or [Individual Incident Reports] from [Primary Criteria]
3. When creating a bulk export of Inspection or Incident reports PDF, the action buttons at the bottom of the page will be limited to either [Reset Filters] or [Export to PDF] because for this type of report, there is only one desired functionality, which is to download reports.
4. Once you have selected the search criteria you desire, click the [Export to PDF] button and you should see a loading icon along with a text prompt stating the ‘Report generation is in progress.'
5. This downloading process can take a variable amount of time, so in order to reduce the waiting period, customers are encouraged to limit the timeframe and search criteria when making report exports.
6. Once the download is complete you should see the zip file icon within your browser download center and you can access the file by selecting it and moving it to your local file storage center: