This article details various elements of a typical safety program.
Elements of a Safety Program
A typical safety program contains the following:
- Hazard recognition and assessment.
- Steps and or procedures to control the hazard.
- Training materials and procedures for affected employees.
- Competent person designation. (Person or Job Title responsible for implementing controls)
Example below:
If your employees work in or around excavation and trenches, your safety program should address the following items:
- What activities do your workers typically perform that involve potential exposure to excavation and trenching hazards?
- What are the hazards associated with excavations and trenches that your employees will face, and what steps or procedures will your company implement to control the hazards and protect your workers?
- How will you train your employees to recognize excavation and trenching hazards, and to implement identified control measures? How frequently will employees be trained?
- Identification of competent persons (persons with extensive training who are responsible for identifying hazards, implementing controls, periodic/daily inspections, etc., and who have the authority to stop work should hazards be present).
*Please note: While the example provided here is specific to construction, the responsibility to have safety programs in place applies to all companies. The safety programs you develop must be specific to your company and must address the specific hazards presented by your company's scope of work.
Point Deductions
If the uploaded supporting documentation does not sufficiently address the hazard or activity, points will be deducted from your safety score. This presents an opportunity to identify any potential gaps in your safety programs and make improvements to them. You can visit our Improving Your Safety Assessment Score article for more information on how to improve your safety score. Should you decide to develop and implement additional safety programs to address any deficiency, you can log in and upload additional documentation at any time.